How to Install GLPI 10 on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 | 18.04 LTS

GLPI is an open-source IT Asset Management, issue tracking system and service desk system. This software is written in PHP and distributed as open-source software under the GNU General Public License.

GLPI is a web-based application helping companies to manage their information system. The solution is able to build an inventory of all the organization’s assets and manage administrative and financial tasks. The system’s functionalities help IT Administrators to create a database of technical resources, as well as a management and history of maintenance actions. Users can declare incidents or requests thanks to the Helpdesk feature.

In this tutorial, We will learn How to Install GLPI 10 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | 20.04 LTS | 18.04 LTS


  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22/20/18 LTS
  • User privileges: root or non-root user with root privileges
  • A LAMP stack installed on your system
    Read more: How to Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu

Read more:

Step 1 – Install PHP extensions and packages required by GLPI

First of all, run the system update command to ensure all the packages on your system are up to date and in the latest state:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Next, install the packages and the PHP extensions required by GLPI:

sudo apt install -y vim wget tar php-curl php-zip php-gd php-intl php-intl php-pear php-imagick php-imap php-memcache php-pspell php-tidy php-xmlrpc php-xsl php-mbstring php-ldap php-ldap php-cas php-apcu libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-bz2

Step 2 – Create database for GLPI

First, log in to your database server:

sudo mysql -uroot -p

Create a new database name called glpi_db


Create a new database user called glpi_user and with password is glpi_PWD

CREATE USER glpi_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'glpi_PWD';

Grant all privileges on glpi_db database to glpi_user user

GRANT ALL ON glpi_db.* TO glpi_user@localhost;

Reload and exit the database server



Create database for GLPI

Step 3 – Download GLPI latest version

First, go to the official website to download the latest stable GLPI version:

Access official website

Right-click on the Download button and select Copy Link

Get Link GLPI latest version

Next, go to the /var/www/html directory

cd /var/www/html

And run the command below to download the latest stable GLPI:

sudo wget -O glpi.tgz Paste_Link_in_step_above

### Example for GLPI 10.0.6

sudo wget -O glpi.tgz

Ensure you have downloaded it:


Next, the extract has just downloaded the file

sudo tar -xvf glpi.tgz

Extract GLPI file

Verify folder extracted:


Next, change the Ownership and Permission on the glpi directory

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data glpi

sudo chmod -R 755 glpi

Then restart the Apache service for the change to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Change Ownership and Permission on GLPI directory

Step 4 – Setup GLPI

Open your web browser and access the address http://IP-Server/glpi to setup the GLPI through the web interface.

In the first page, select your language and click on the OK button to the next step

Select your language

Next, you need to accept the licenses team by clicking on the Continue button to the next step

Accept Licenses

As this is a new installation, click on the Install button to the next step

Select Install

If the requirements are OK, click on the Continue button to the next step

Checking of the compatibility

Input in your database created in step 2:

  • SQL Server: localhost
  • SQL User: glpi_user
  • SQL Password: glpi_PWD

and click on the Continue button to the next step

Database connection setup

Select the glpi_db created in step 2 and click on the Continue button to the next step

Select database

The database was initialized, click on the Continue button to the next step

 Initialization of the database

Uncheck Send “usage statistic” and click on the Continue button to the next step

Collect data

Click on the Continue button to the next step

One last thing before starting

The installation is finished with the default username and password as below:

  • Administrator account:
    • Username: glpi
    • Password: glpi
  • Technician account:
    • Username: tech
    • Password: tech
  • Normal account:
    • Username: normal
    • Password: normal
  • Postonly account
    • Username: post-only
    • Password: post-only

and click on the Use GLPI button to the next step.

The installation is finished

Now, Login GLPI with default username and password

Login GLPI

You see the dashboard central of the GLPI system and also see that there is the warning banner:

  • For security reasons, please change the password for the default users – you need to change the password of the default users
  • For security reasons, please remove file: install/install.php – we will remove it.
Login Success !!

Go to the glpi/install directory by following command below:

cd glpi/install

sudo mv install.php install.php.bak

And restart the Apache service to apply the change:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Remove install.php file

Now, reload the page and you don’t see the warning For security reasons, please remove file: install/install.php


That’s it, We learned to install GLPI on the Ubuntu system.

Thank you for reading !!!


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