How to Show Line Numbers in VI/VIM Text Editor

VIM or VI are two of the most powerful and versatile text editors widely used in…

How to Install and Configure phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu with Apache

Welcome to In this article, How to Install and Configure phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu with Apache.…

How to Install and Configure LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 23

Welcome to the tutorial on How to Install and Configure the LAMP stack on Ubuntu 23!…

How to Use CHMOD Command in Linux

On the Linux operating system, CHMOD is an essential command for managing access permissions on files…

How to Add Linux Host to Nagios Server | Monitoring Linux Host

Welcome to the article How to Add Linux Host to Nagios Server! In the previous article,…

How to Install and Configure Nagios Core Server on Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint

Welcome to! In this article, we will explore How to Install and Configure Nagios Core…

How to Set Up a Static IP Address on Ubuntu Desktop

Welcome to the How to Set Up a Static IP Address on Ubuntu Desktop article. In…

Top 10 Best Linux Distributions for Developers in 2023

The year 2023 holds great promise for the Linux community, especially for developers. There are numerous…

How to Install and Configure NextCloud Server on Ubuntu

Welcome to the guide on How to Install and Configure NextCloud’s latest version on Ubuntu, a…

How to Upgrade GLPI to Latest version on Ubuntu/Debian

Welcome to the next tutorial in our series of GLPI guides. In the previous article, we…