How to Install and Configure Active Directory on Windows Server 2022/2019/2016

Active Directory (AD) is a user and resource management service in the Windows Server environment. It provides a central system for managing and authenticating users, managing groups, and controlling access to network resources. With Active Directory, organizations can create a shared database of users and resources, synchronize information, and enforce security policies across the network.

In this tutorial, we will learn How to Install and Configure Active Directory on Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012. We will guide you through the necessary steps to install and configure an Active Directory server, create a new domain, and add users to the domain.

By following this installation and configuration process, you can create a robust, reliable, and easily manageable user and resource management environment. Active Directory offers a powerful platform for system management and provides essential features such as user authentication, access control, and resource management.

Let’s get started and explore how to install and configure Active Directory on Windows Server, so you can harness the power of this robust user and resource management service in your Windows environment.

In this tutorial

  • Domain: totatca.local
  • Hostname: s2k22-1
  • FQDN: s2k22-1.totatca.local
  • Network:
  • IP Address:

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Step 1 – Setup static IP Address on your server

Before installing Active Directory, it is crucial to assign a static IP address to your server. A static IP address ensures a consistent network connection and allows other devices to easily locate and communicate with your server. By following this step, you will avoid potential issues caused by dynamic IP address changes and establish a reliable foundation for your Active Directory installation

To set a static IP address, you can access the Control PanelNetwork & Sharing Center – Change adapter settings – right-click Network icon – select Properties – select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) – click on the Properties button


Step 2 – Install Active Directory Domain Services

To install Active Directory Domain Controller on your system, hit the Start key on keyboard – select Server Manager


On the Dashboard window, click on Add roles and features option


In the Before You Begin window, click Next to the next step


Click Next in the Select installation type window.


In the Select destination server window, select Select a server from the server pool option – and select your server – then click Next


In the Select server roles window, check to Active Directory Domain Services option


The window Add features that are required for Active Directory Domain Service? will appear, click Add Features button.


Go back to the Select server roles window, make sure the Active Directory Domain Services option is checked, and click Next


In the Select features window, keep default and click Next


In the Active Directory Domain Services window, click Next


Click Install to install Active Directory Domain Services


After the installation is complete, click Close to close the Add Roles and Features Wizard window.


Step 3 – Configure Active Directory Domain Services

Go back to the Dashboard window and click on the yellow triangle at the top left of the window – click Promote this server to a domain controller option


In the Deployment Configuration window, select as shown below:

  • Select the deployment operation: select Add a new forest option
  • Root domain name: enter your domain (My domain: totatca.local )

and then click Next


In the Domain Controller Options window, Enter the password for DSRM and then click Next

DSRM (Directory Services Restore Mode) password is the password used to access the directory service restore mode on Windows servers. This mode allows administrators to perform recovery or repair operations in case the server encounters issues and cannot boot normally


Click Next in the DNS Options window.


The NetBIOS domain name will be automatically generated based on the domain you have previously specified. You can choose to modify it, but for now, please leave it as the default setting and click Next.


Keep default and click Next in the Paths window.


In the Review Options will see your settings. If there are no changes, please click Next.


Finally, click Install to configure the Active Directory Domain Services on the system


After the configuration is complete, the system needs to restart to apply the changes, click Close


Right at the login screen, you will see your account logged in under the domain. Enter your password and hit Enter


Step 4 – Verification

From the Dashboard window, select Tools – you will see the installed features of Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS).


Now, you can create user accounts in your Active Directory (AD)


That’s all! You now know How to Install and Configure Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) on Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading !!!


LAB Windows Server – Part 1 – Install and Configure Active Directory Domain Services on Windows Server

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