How to Add Linux Host on Zabbix Server using Zabbix Agent

In the previous tutorial, We installed success Zabbix Agent on a Linux OS.

In this tutorial, We will learn How to Add Linux Host on Zabbix Server using Zabbix Agent

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For example, we will define as below:

  • Zabbix Server installed
    • IP Address :
  • Linux Host
    • Zabbix Agent installed
    • IP Address:
    • Hostname: LinuxHost-1

Step 1- Login Zabbix server

Open your browse, Access and Login Zaabix server with your Username and Password.

Login Zabbix Server

Step 2 – Add Linux Host on Zabbix Server

On the left navigation panel, choose Configuration -> Hosts -> Create host to create new host:

Create Create host

In the window New host, input info of the Linux host

  • Host name: LinuxHost-1 ( Hostname of Linux client installed Zabbix Agent)
  • Visible name : LinuxHost-1
  • Templates: choose Select – choose Templates/Operating systems – choose Linux by Zabbix agent
  • Groups: choose Select – choose Linux servers
  • Interfaces: choose Add – choose Agent:
    • Agent: ( IP of Linux client installed Zabbix agent)
    • Others: keep default
  • Then click Add
New Host

If the connection between the Zabbix server and Zabbix agents is fine, you should see the availability status is Green

Host added

After Host added, on the left navigation panel, choose Monitoring – choose Hosts – in the right panel, click on your host and choose Graphs to check the Graphs

Monitoring Host

Wait a few minutes in order for the Zabbix server to contact the Zabbix agent:

Check the Graphs

That’s all. You are added and monitoring Linux Host on Zabbix Server

Thank you for reading !!!

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