How to Configure UFW Firewall on Linux Ubuntu | Debian | LinuxMint

Setting up a firewall is paramount to ensuring the security of your Linux server. Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) provides a simplified way to establish robust firewall rules, protecting your system from unauthorized access and potential threats. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the detailed steps of configuring UFW on your Debian-based Linux server.

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  • Operating system:
    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
    • Linux Mint
    • Debian-based
  • User privileges: root or non-root user with sudo privileges.

Step 1 – Install UFW Firewall

If UFW is not installed, update the package list on your server and install UFW using the following commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install ufw -y

After successful installation, activate the UFW firewall using the following command:

sudo ufw enable

Or in case you want to disable the UFW firewall, run the following command:

sudo ufw disable

To check the status of the UFW firewall, run the following command:

sudo ufw status

Whenever you add, modify, or delete rules, run the following command to refresh the firewall:

sudo ufw reload

Step 2 – Default Policies

By default, UFW is configured to deny all incoming connections and allow all outgoing connections. This means no incoming connections are allowed to the server, but it will permit the server to access all services outside.

To set the UFW firewall to the default configuration as described above, use the following commands:

sudo ufw default deny incoming

sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Step 3 – Allow Rules

Allowing SSH Access

SSH is crucial for server administration, enabling remote management. As outlined in Step 2, the UFW firewall, by default, blocks all connections to the server. Therefore, without allowing SSH, you won’t be able to manage your server remotely.

To enable SSH connections, execute the following command:

sudo ufw allow ssh

Allowing Other Services

Depending on the specific purpose of each server, different rules may apply. To ensure your server functions properly, allow all services that your server is using through the UFW firewall using either of the following syntaxes:

  • Use the service’s port:

sudo ufw allow Port_of_Service

  • Use the service’s name:

sudo ufw allow Name_of_Service

For example, if your web server is using the HTTP service with the default port 80, you can allow the HTTP service using either of the following commands:

sudo ufw allow 80


sudo ufw allow http

Allow Multiple Ports

In some cases, if you need to allow specific ports through the UFW firewall, execute the command in the following syntax:

sudo ufw allow [Port_Number_1, Port_Number_2, … ]

For example, I will allow the ports of the Mail Server service, including ports 25 (SMTP), 465 (SMTPS), and 587 (Secure SMTP) through the UFW firewall using the following command:

sudo ufw allow 25,465,587

Allowing Port Ranges

For services that do not use a single port but use a range of consecutive ports, you can use the following syntax to accomplish this:

sudo ufw allow Start_port:End_port

For example, a certain service needs to use ports 5000, 5001, 5002, 5003,…5010. To allow it through the firewall, let’s execute the following command:

sudo ufw allow 5000:5010

Note: that they must be consecutive numbers without gaps.

Allowing an IP Address

Sometimes, we need to secure the server absolutely by allowing only a specific IP address to connect to our server. To do that, execute the command in the following syntax:

sudo ufw allow from IP_Address

For example, I have a server and only allow devices with the source address to access my server. Let’s execute the following command:

sudo ufw allow from

You can also specify which specific services that IP address is allowed to access using the following syntax:

sudo ufw allow IP_Address to any port Port_Number

In the same example, but I only allow the IP address to access the HTTP service (port 80):

sudo ufw allow from to any port 80

Allow Specific Subnets

To apply on a broader range, you can also allow a specific subnet to access the server using the following syntax:

sudo ufw allow from Subnet

For example, the network system consists of two subnets: and My server is located in the subnet, and I only allow the subnet to access:

sudo ufw allow from

Similar to applying with specific IP addresses, you can also specify a subnet to only access the server through a certain port using the following syntax:

sudo ufw allow from Subnet to any port Port_Number

Similar to the previous example, but I will allow the subnet to only access the HTTP service (port 80):

sudo ufw allow from to any port 80

Step 4 – Deny Rules

Similar to the allow rules presented in Step 3, to deny connections, replace allow with deny in the command syntax.

For example, we execute the following two commands:

sudo ufw allow from

sudo ufw deny from to any port 22

When we execute the command sudo ufw allow from first, we are allowing all connections from the IP addresses within the range Subsequently, when we execute the command sudo ufw deny from to any port 22, we are setting a rule to deny all connections to port 22 from IP addresses in the range.

Because we established the allow rule first, the deny rule added afterward takes precedence. This means that any connection attempts to port 22 from IP addresses within the range will be denied, regardless of the previously set allow rule.

In this situation, executing the commands in a specific order is crucial to ensure that the rules are applied correctly and create a sensible security environment on our server

Step 5 – Delete Rules

In this step, you will remove specific rules from the firewall configuration. Deleting rules can be necessary to update security settings or modify access permissions. To delete a rule, use the following syntax:

sudo ufw delete [rule_number]

Replace [rule_number] with the number corresponding to the rule you want to delete. Ensure you have identified the correct rule number before executing the command to avoid unintended changes in your firewall configuration.

So how do you know the [rule_number]? The simplest way is to use the following command:

sudo ufw status numbered

You will see the order of rules displayed as follows:

For example, as shown in the figure above, if we want to delete the rule allowing connections to port 80 with the rule number 2, we will execute the following command:

sudo ufw delete 2


By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up a firewall using UFW on your Linux server. Regularly review your firewall rules to adapt to changing security needs. A well-configured firewall is a fundamental component of your server’s security strategy, safeguarding it against unauthorized access and potential threats. Stay secure and keep your server protected!

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