Code in the video: How to Install and Configure WireGuard Client on Windows 11/10/8/7 | Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012 | macOS 12/13/14
### Thank You for watching and Don't forget to subscribe to my channel 📌 On Windows or macOS Client ### IP VPN of Client Address = IP_VPN_of_Client ### DNS Server DNS =, [Peer] ###Public key of the WireGuard VPN Server PublicKey = Public_key_of_the_WireGuard_Server ### IP and Port of the WireGuard VPN Server ### Syntax: IP:Port Endpoint = IP_of_the_WireGuard_Server:Port_VPN_of_the_Server ### Allow all traffic via VPN AllowedIPs = 📌 On WireGuard VPN Server wg set wg0 peer PublicKey_of_the_Client allowed-ips IP_VPN_of_Client