Code in the video: How to Install and Configure WireGuard VPN Client on Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint

Code in the video: How to Install and Configure WireGuard VPN Client on Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint

📌 On the Client

	wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey | tee publickey

	PrivateKey =
	PublicKey = 

### PrivateKey_of_the_Client
PrivateKey = 
### IP VPN for the Client
Address = 
### DNS Server
DNS =,

###Public of the WireGuard VPN Server
PublicKey = 

### IP and Port of the WireGuard VPN Server
##### Syntax: IP_of_the_server:Port
Endpoint = 

### Allow all traffic
AllowedIPs =

📌 On WireGuard VPN Server

	wg set wg0 peer PublicKey_of_the_Client allowed-ips IP_VPN_of_the_Client

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